Being Your Own Best Friend
Many times, when we struggle in situations and/or are fearful, we tend to leave ourselves.
Here is a way to develop a new habit of staying with ourselves at all times.
List validating statements to remind yourself who you are, who you want to be, and rules to keep your dignity and self-respect in challenging situations. Print it out and hang it up as a reminder and to eventually memorize it.
Here’s a template you can use:
I am
I know who I am.
I believe myself.
I believe my perspectives.
I believe my sense of discernment.
I believe my intuition.
I trust my decisions and choices.
If I need to shut myself down, I need to get away from the situation.
If I am reactive, I need to leave.
If I am not able to listen or to meet the other person where he/she is at, I need to leave.
I need to calmly express my feelings and concerns without blaming. Otherwise, I need to leave.
I stay with myself always. I am always my own compassionate, collaborating, creative best friend.
Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.