Dealing with Overwhelm: Pick Just One Thing

I originally wrote this article on July 8, 2015.

My brain can overload with all the things I need and want to do.  Sometimes I get paralyzed with being overwhelmed.

This happened as recently as today.  I have several things I want to get done soon.  How can I get it all done?  How can I find the physical energy to do it all? How can I find the mental focus to concentrate on it?

The answer:  Pick just one thing.

That’s it. Just pick one thing to complete.  Because one thing complete is one less thing to do.  Chipping away at my to-do list one item at a time gets things done.

Additionally, when I pick just one thing to do, I have made a decision.  I don’t have to go over and over in my head with my ‘How…?’ questions.  I don’t have to figure out how, because I’m already doing it.  Letting go of the ‘How…?’ questions saves me so much energy!  And actually doing something towards my goals recharges me.

Also, once I start just one thing, it usually leads to my picking another thing.  It snowballs. Rather than my worry snowballing (into overwhelm), my accomplishments snowball.

Pick just one thing.



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