Do Good for Yourself
I originally wrote this article on January 8, 2015.
Saving the world, obsessing about volunteer work, putting energy into that which we can’t change, being politically-correct: all of these can distract us from ourselves.
Sometimes we can use volunteer work and helping others outside of our personal lives as an escape from our responsibilities close to us. Because close-to-us is much, much more intimate, it consists of in-our-faces responsibilities, and reflects ourselves back to us no matter where we go—it can be painful and super uncomfortable. Out in the world, we can be the heroes during a set amount of time, from point A to B; it’s so much easier…temporarily.
Before you look outside of your personal life, see what there is you need to do for yourself, your inner growth, your gentle healing. Find ways to do good for you.
I consider our children to be extensions of ourselves, so if you have children, doing good for yourself applies to doing good for your kids as well (plus, they will ensure you know what inner-work you need to deal with); and doing good for your kids applies to doing good for yourself.
Be in the moment. The moment is filled with abundance. We need to be conscious to feel it and live it. Distraction, being everywhere but here, takes away the gift in right-now.
I love these two books, both are about caring for ourselves and about being in right-now without changing one thing:
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
The Power is Within You by Louise Hay
All in due time is a great mantra for those of us who are anxious to get on with our big dreams or those of us in an 18-plus year parenting commitment.
While raising kids, I’ve learned to keep life as simple as possible. I do my outside-of-my-home passions in simple ways and only that which I can do with ease. Blogging is how I do it. Additionally, I realized that when I blog, I write for myself. I trust that people who want to read what I have to say will find me. But regardless, I do it for me. And one day, I will be able to expand my coaching business to a livable income. But now isn’t the time. All in due time.
It’s been so freeing to accept where I am because it allows me to be at peace right where I am. Peace is doing so much good for myself.
Do good for yourself.