Dreaming and Being Drawn To

I originally wrote this article on February 10, 2012.

Dream big.  Think about what you would do if you weren’t afraid. What would you do for a job even if you weren’t paid for it?  Where do you want to live? Create a dream board.  Write a story about your dream life.

These are all techniques which I believe in wholeheartedly to help get into “receiving mode” for your dream life.

Do you feel overwhelmed dreaming big?  Are you afraid that if you dream big, you will have no clue how to get there?  Does it seem too difficult? Or do you worry that, once you pick a dream life, you might change your mind by the time you get there?

Rest assured. You can’t get there from here anyway (as Esther Hicks says).

I picked my logo to be lily pads because lily pads have helped me understand this process of reaching our dreams.

Each energetic shift, everything and everyone you’re drawn to, is like a lily pad you leap upon—bringing you closer to the life of your dreams.
- Me

As we discover what it is we want in our lives (our “dream life”), we will naturally be drawn to experiences, people, and changes.  It doesn’t require much effort.  And the obvious choices will become hard to ignore.  “Well, of course I will do that.”   “Of course I want to talk to them.”   “It makes perfect sense that this is happening.”

Each situation and experience brings about emotions in us, helps us learn about ourselves a little more, and shows us clearer glimpses of what it is we want for ourselves.  Forward we leap onto the next lily pad.

As we move forward, onto the next “lily pad”, we might discover that what we wanted before isn’t what we want now.  But that’s okay.  Without moving to where we are now, we wouldn’t have been able to recognize what we can see now.

Our dreaming back then was what got us to where we are now. And from here, we can create new dreams as a practically-new person with a different perspective. This is why Esther Hicks says, “You can’t get there from here.”

Dream big and see what happens next.



Ciao, Facebook


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