FOMO Remedy

I know people who have Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). This impacts their ability to

  • rest and recharge

  • be at peace with where they are and with what they are doing

  • enjoy where they are and what they are doing

  • contemplate and self-reflect

  • see what they need to improve in their lives and within themselves

  • motivate to make improvements in their lives and within themselves

  • be confident and content with who they are

Ultimately, it affects their health and well-being.

To those with FOMO, I have the following suggestions:

  1. Make a list of values, ethics and principles you believe in and desire for yourself and your life.

  2. Make a list of your ethical self-care tasks which are important for your well-being.

  3. With each circumstance you wish to be part of, ask yourself

  • Would this support my values, ethics and principles?” (reference your list)

  • Have I tended to my self-care?” (reference your list)

  • Would this help me tap into a lot of joy and relief?” (which are good for immune system)

4. If you cannot answer “yes” to all of these questions, try just staying where you are and making it your goal to find joy in each moment.

  • If this is difficult for you, recognize that having FOMO is a sort of addiction which will take time and effort to quit.

  • Ask yourself

    • What voids would the circumstance fill for me?

    • How can I fill those voids by not participating in the circumstance (in ways that fit into my values and principles)?

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


Being Enough to Transform Someone’s Values

