‘I Love You’ Means…

When you love someone, what does that mean?

To me, if I love someone, it means

  • You are one of the few people who I let into my inner circle.

  • You are a priority in my life: I make as much time as possible for and with you. I want to include you in everything in my life. I want you to feel involved and to have a say in everything.

  • I ensure you know the people I know, you know the types of relationships I have with these people, and how I behave and interact with them.

  • I see and value your heart.

  • You are special and precious to me.

  • I protect you, our relationship, and how I feel about you.

  • I do what it takes to make you feel safe, secure, and trusting of and with me.

  • Your input is like gold to me.

  • I highly value your feelings, your input about me, and your perspective of me.

  • I want to know anything which is keeping you from feeling safe, secure and trusting of me.

  • I use your input to help me learn how to be better, do better, and aim towards being my best self.

  • I want to deeply know you, who you are, how and what you think, what you want, why you do what you do, your struggles, your goals, your secrets, etc. And I want you to know these things about me as well.

  • You do not have to compete for my attention, interest and love.

  • I am disinterested in getting attention from other people because I make the most important the most important. And you are part of the most important.

  • You get the benefit of my learning from my mistakes, my diligent work on improving myself, my prioritizing what really matters.

  • You can count on me to have strong morals, values, principles and boundaries—so you can rest easy and enjoy the security of our relationship.

  • Having you in my life, along with my children, is everything I could want on this planet.

  • I want to share and experience life with you—whatever we choose to do together, and whatever I’m doing as an individual as well.

  • I adore you. I honor you. I respect you. I support you in your life purpose.

  • You are absolutely beautiful to me: inside and out.

  • I nurture you with my attention, affection, adoration, and awe.

  • That you’re in my life, that I get to do life with you, continuously makes me grateful, amazed and humbled.

  • If you ever have fears with me, I will work with you to help me correct my choices which are making you feel that way.

  • I take full accountability and responsibility for myself in my life, my choices and in our relationship.

  • I’m your ally and foxhole partner. We are an unstoppable team. Nothing will pull me away from our mission together and my respectable life purpose.

  • I admit my struggles, flaws and weaknesses to you and ask for your help.

  • I am personally-responsible for my own self care and well-being.

  • Yet, I need you. I need your friendship, companionship, attention and love.

  • I will never take you for granted.

  • You have my loyalty, devotion, and investment.

What does it mean when you love someone?

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


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