‘It's The Greatest Opportunity of Our Time - Will We Use It?’

The following is from a presentation by Jean Nolan. I was thrilled to listen to the presentation because I've been working on this sort of mission, and have had this very mindset and philosophy, for a very long time--including in personal relationships, lifestyle, choices, and helping others though life coaching.

I hope this content encourages you, too, to think outside the box and to create a fulfilling life and lifestyle with your loved ones and local community—regardless of what the "Powers-That-Were” (as Jean Nolan calls them) are trying to do.



But first, I want to clarify some terminology with the hopes to both eliminate confusion and so I am not contributing to what I do not support or believe in.

Change:  I’ve noticed over the last couple of decades, the word “Change” is thrown out as a slogan and doesn’t seem of good intent.  Whenever I hear people generically state they support “Change” I request they define it.  I believe Change, for our purposes, can mean getting focus and efforts back to Natural Law, inalienable God-given rights (Bill of Rights) to include life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Consciousness: I define this as awareness of ourselves, others and that which is taking place—including beyond the surface; being accountable and personally-responsible for ourselves, our choices and actions; and having and applying to all of the above with strong morals, ethics, values, and principles based on Natural Law.

Voluntarism:  I am cautious with this phrase as my research has shown that some use this to mean citizens working-for-free; and some say the push for volunteering is to normalize that.  Additionally, the government has its paws in so many volunteer efforts—instead of, as per our history, initiated and handled by churches and individuals, without government intervention.  As such, there possibly could be less people tending to volunteer on their own accord and choosing to do so in private.

In the context of the “Forum of Ideas,” we can agree Voluntarism to mean something like “by each individual’s free will” rather than “labor-for-free, without free-will, and with prompting or coercion”

Sustainability: Instead of the environmental movement’s definition, we can use the original understanding of it. Something like this: “able to last and keep momentum over time due to obvious, agreed-upon. mutual value.”

Community and/or System: Again, these terms are frequently used in ways I don’t agree with. I like how Jean from “Inspired” explains:  “As soon as two, three, four people live together, there is a system.”  As such, “community” can be considered two or more people joining together for any purpose.

Good for all/Common good: Yet another slogan thrown around which needs to be defined differently. Reference what I said about “Change” above. (Essentially, freedom, liberty, individual rights, independence, etc. are the good for all that I support.)


I have taken the liberty to edit the text from Jean Nolan’s spoken words for clarity, hopefully without changing its intent and meaning.

It is unquestionable, without a doubt: it's two weeks into this new Administration.  Two weeks feels like a year or two because every day it's just ‘boom boom boom boom boom.’ The “Powers-That-Were” are just knocking it out of the park. RFK Jr. was just confirmed.  Next up are probably Kash Patel for the FBI and Tulsi Gabbard and whatnot.

What I want to say is that we are seeing a transformation and action at a speed that we've never seen before. I don't think any country's ever seen that, and it is having these multi-layered effects on the world. It will have more and more effects on the world. You can already see what's happening on that stage, and the reactions and actions, and back and forth. I'm not saying that there isn't a huge level of coordination behind this. You know I'm not partisan. I'm not with any politician. What I'm saying is that for the foreseeable future, and this will be a limited opportunity, we are going through transformations. 

Whenever big changes like that happen at a very rapid pace, no matter how well you plan it out…there's a saying in the military that ‘the best plan does not survive contact with the Enemy.’  So, no matter how good your plan is, how good your operation is laid out, as soon as you go into action, that plan does not survive as it was laid out. It has to be adjusted. You don't know where the pitfalls are. You don't know where the mines are.  There are just things happening, the landmines and everything.

So the biggest opportunity is here:  it is a time where new ideas--or different ideas, or great ideas--actually have an easier time coming in.

What this requires, still moving forward and this is what a lot of people don't really include in the “Powers-That-Were’s” calculations…. The “Powers-That-Were” will only work as long as the population is supporting it.  Once there is huge dissent, or the people really don't like where all of this is going, where this is going will have to slow down inevitably. That's for sure how it always goes.  It doesn't mean “Powers-That-Were” are not pushing through, but “Powers-That-Were” will have to slow down.  Within this time frame--and we're talking about a few short years, at the most—until the new system that “Powers-That-Were” are trying to put in, is established from Their viewpoint—there is an incredible energy window. 

We have to fill that window if we really want to improve the conditions under which we live here.  So I suggest that everybody get to work.  By ‘work’ I mean always keep an eye on what “Powers-That-Were” are doing, where “Powers-That-Were” are going, where “Powers-That-Were’s” priorities are.  Make sure that you are in the know--as well as you can be. But the rest of your energy needs to go into how we can, in a short period of time, really expand on some great ideas.  For that, we need a framework.

What is happening right now, just as a contrast, is a complete transformation of the Federal Government because a new structure is moving in.  It's not a new Administration that I'm talking about. It's a new System that's moving in. In that transitioning period, “Powers-That-Were” can only focus on so much, and “Powers-That-Were” only have so many resources, to really pay attention to what's happening.

So things that might not fit with “Powers-That-Were’s” plans, that might not necessarily be how “Powers-That-Were” would want them to be, could work really well because there isn’t enough attention span, there isn't enough bandwidth.  You can't have it; plus, certain movements might even be completely overlooked. 

What are these things that we could do?  First, we need to establish a certain framework. Like I said before, this is Local. This is not Centralized. I’m speaking to everyone who's watching, no matter where you are, I'm not just talking about the United States.  I'm talking about everywhere, no matter where you are, you can establish what we call the ‘Forum of ideas.’  You can establish this where you are. You can actually do it right now.  You can say, ‘Okay, I will establish a ‘Forum of Ideas’ in my friendship circle, in my community, in my… <whatever>.’  What does that mean? Let's look at it. 

All that I’m sharing is open source.  Use it, take it, run with it, make the best of it. 

The ‘Forum of Ideas’ could serve as a conduit for transformative solutions that uphold Freedom, Sovereignty and the fundamental Principle of ‘Do No Harm.’  It is not a ruling body, but a framework: a space where bold, innovative ideas are measured against timeless Principles to ensure they empower individuals, strengthen communities, and respect Natural Law.  Every idea presented in a ‘Forum of Ideas’ is evaluated through a lens of Voluntarism, Decentralization, Transparency, and real-world applicability. 

The goal is simple: to shape a future where individuals and societies thrive without coercion, control or compromise. ‘Forums of Ideas’ are forums for those who believe in Self-Determination, Ethical Consilium (as I call them, or ‘governance’) and the power of free minds, to create lasting change. In ‘Forums of ideas,’ ideas are not just discussed; they're refined, tested and put into action.

Basically, the way that I see it is that when you discuss ideas--whether something should or should not be done, or whether something should be tried, whether a community should try certain things--those ideas need to be compared to Values and a set of Guidelines, if you will.  Because if you don't do that, you might miss some of the important things; and down the line, you notice the mistakes in the Vision. Most Visions out there have mistakes baked in them because they don't compare against certain Values or Guidelines. 

What could those Values or Guidelines be?

Here are the Core Principles of such ‘Forums of Ideas’:

1. Freedom first: Every idea must respect and enhance individual and collective Freedom--no coercion, no force. 

2. Sovereignty matters: People, communities, and nations have the right to Self-Determination.  Ideas must support Independence, not control.

3. Do No Harm, the foundation of Common Law:  No idea should infringe on the Rights, Well-Being or Property of others. 

4. Voluntarism, over force: Solutions should be based on consent, not imposed mandates.

5. Decentralization is key:  Power should remain distributed, no monopolies, no Central Authority dictating outcomes.

6. Transparency and Truth--open discussion, no hidden agendas:  Every idea should stand on Merit, Logic and Integrity.

7. Practical and Actionable:  Ideas must be implementable in the real world, without contradicting Core Principles.

8. Sustainability and Resilience: Solutions should create long-term Stability and Prosperity without dependence on Centralized Systems. 

This is as simple as it gets, folks.  This is what a ‘Forum of Ideas’ could look like.

Rather than doing another barbecue to watch the Super Bowl, you could initiate a ‘Forum of Ideas’ where you start inviting people into it.  You start explaining the Core Principles.  It is about re-imagining: first re-imagining what a Community might look like. 

Right now, most people in this Nation and everywhere else are simply living next to each other--some with more space between them, some with less space between them.  They have no shared Visions, they have no shared interests, as far as they know. They're not looking into the future with any kind of coherence. That doesn't mean that everybody has to think the same; but there are Core Values and Principles. 

I don't see this, ever, as neither the Duty nor the capability of a Central Government.  As a matter of fact, the Central Government can't do that.  It must maintain a certain level of control if it wants to continue sustaining its existence.

Communities, smaller communities, actually live in (geographically speaking) a Shared-Interest Zone.  Whatever you think about this, this is the truth.  The moment that you remove, which at some point will happen, the highly-Centralized structures like the food-supply chain and other product-supply chains (of various factors), every Region, every Community, every Local Group, starts to stand on its own; and has to look at ‘What can we do right here, right now, to support ourselves, to create a better environment and whatnot, to feed ourselves and to do those things?’

For that, new ideas are needed, new ways to do this or maybe even old ways that have been forgotten or needed. It doesn't matter. The newness doesn't have to be something that's never been here before. Maybe it's forgotten wisdom and knowledge. 

I’m just putting this out there:  Let's just say, in every community, there is a ‘Forum of Ideas’ where people get together on a regular basis, and they can present ideas. Everybody in the ‘Forum’ measures these ideas against the Core Principles that were, for example, just laid out here and you can refine them.  Then they say ‘Yes, that makes sense on all levels. I think this is something we should try. Let's put a test model into place. Let's try this in a small scale.’  

This could be anything from growing food to having clean and mineral-rich water, to cleaning the air, to revitalizing the soil, to having a means of exchange system (maybe a local currency system), to a holistic-health approach for the community (having holistic practitioners, maybe an education program). There are a million things.

The worst thing that we could possibly do during this transitioning period is to simply watch and wait for whatever happens, for whatever “Powers-That-Were” are going to do. Well, “Powers-That-Were” are going to do whatever “Powers-That-Were” are going to do.  What's more important is what we are going to do. 

How are we going to use this window of opportunity?  It’s about human agency.  It's about this idea that, while we are here, regardless of what this construct is, we can make one of two choices:  We can live life by default or we can try to make it the best it can be while we're here. I think that whatever we're wanting to do, after this, will only be enhanced if we live our best life while we're here, if we improve our conditions to the best of our abilities.  That also pertains to Consciousness because Consciousness is the foundational factor for everything.  How do we create conditions that are optimal for Consciousness to rise?

So that's it.  That's as simple a beginning as it could be.

What I'm saying is if we start today, and you start today, (and this is really a call to action no matter where you are in the world), you can do this today.  You can be creative as to how you're implementing this. I said this is open source: these are things that we think about, that we have developed over years and decades as a ‘Forum of Ideas’ and that were tested on smaller scales. Some have succeeded and some haven't.  The point is that the collective experience wasn't where it is now right now. Right now, the collective experience is being guided into a phase of transformation--which means that within a few months, maybe a year, the public is going to be very used to some rapid changes, to some really big changes.

There's no better or more fertile ground than this perception that change, right now, is inevitable.  Who exactly defines what the ‘Golden Age’ is?   These people that have come in have said this is the beginning of the ‘Golden Age.’ Who gets to get the power to define exactly what that means?  

You can use that.  You can say, ‘Yes, we are really truly creating a Golden Age and these are the ideas that we're having.’  Might these ideas align with what “Powers-That-Were” were saying? I don't know. It's not my job to know that. I really don't don't care.  Does it matter?

Best-case scenario (I'm being very naive here), some of these ideas can actually be implemented on a larger scale.  There are a few that we're working on, which we're going to introduce them to you soon, that could be implemented everywhere if we can get a level of Consciousness awakened within the people for that. This is what this period of transformation is providing for us; we don't really have to even do much about it. This is already happening. I see it; I'm observing what's happening in Europe, in countries like Germany or Austria and other places.   I can clearly see that there is a spirit of change in there.

Naturally, the “Powers-That-Were” want to completely steer that change. That's what “Powers-That-Were” always wanted to do. “Powers-That-Were” have also produced some of the energy for that change. I don't care what “Powers-That-Were” want, what “Powers-That-Were” always wanted and what “Powers-That-Were” are still working on.

What I care about is that energy is available. What I care about is that an open opportunity presents itself.  So we'll hijack that energy and we use it for our own purposes. Isn't that cool?  We'll actually use our own creative power for our own purposes--for the good of all.  Isn't that a New Concept?  We will not let our minds be hijacked to fulfill Visions that we had no stake in creating.  We weren't asked about our opinions. 

The Visions were laid out and our creative power is being used to bring them about with a lot of propaganda and a lot of psyops.  But because we are studying them, we understand them.  We comprehend them.  We can act accordingly.  And this is why we've gone down, around them, and many people don't want to go down.  If you want to ultimately remove evil, or collectively-speaking, our acquiescence to evil, you need to know evil.  You need to study evil. You need to study how evil thinks, how it, operates, how it deceives, how it presents itself.  When you know that, it's not hard to see evil, call it out and not acquiescence to it.  But if you don't study it, because you don't want to look, don't want to see it, saying ‘This is all just negative,’… if you do that, you're going to get deceived because evil doesn't come out and say, ‘Hey I'm evil.’  It comes out with a mask; it comes out with something that it knows you want to hear.  That's how it usually operates.  So once you study it, the mystery is gone. It's easily recognizable; and then we simply don't acquiescence to it.  But that's not enough.   

That's why, one more time, I'll make this short and sweet.  I'm calling for everyone who's watching, who feels so inclined, to establish a ‘Forum of Ideas,’ maybe even just for your family for now, and invite people in.  Set out the Guidelines. 

We used very broad Guidelines because we don't believe in any form of regulatory structure.  There's the very simple, the most important Guideline: Do No Harm— respecting and enhancing individual Freedom, Collective Freedom, Sovereignty, Self-Determination and creating systems that serve that. Nothing functions without a system; in this realm, everything follows some sort of system. As soon as two, three, four people live together, there is a system. We might as well make it a great one.  So that's it.

Very often people are saying, ‘I have a great idea.’ They tell us the idea and then they say, ‘You should do it.  This would be a great thing for you to do.’

Our plates have been overflowing with action and with preparation for more action, and with our own ‘Forum of Ideas’ that we've already been running for a while.  If you have an inspired idea, if something is in your heart and you feel this is the right thing to do, guess who's the best person to do it. You.  Not us.  You.  So while we appreciate that people shared ideas with us, because we love reading and hearing about great ideas. But resist the urge to pass off this responsibility and to put it on somebody else and assume it. After all, this idea came to you; it’s a thing to celebrate; it's a creative, intuitive mind and intuitive spirit that perceives great ideas.  Why not celebrate it and run with it?  I don't think anyone could do it better than you if it came to you.  We were taught to live in a society of transfer-of responsibility and now's the time to take it back.

Once again, this is a once in a-lifetime Opportunity.  This energy window won't be open for long. Once, from the “Powers-That-Were’s” perspective speaking (and yes, there is a ‘They’--you know there is)--this ‘group of entities’ that are feverishly working on “Powers-That-Were’s” Vision and “Powers-That-Were” have a transitioning period now.  This is the time where “Powers-That-Were” needed to step into the limelight; “Powers-That-Were” couldn't hide any longer because “Powers-That-Were” knew it was not going to be for long and then the new system was going to be fully-established. This is not here yet; this is happening.

That's the opportunity and it will be the last opportunity, by the way, for a very long time if we don't use it.  If we use it, everything can change. If we don't use it, it's going to be the last opportunity for a very long time.  This is the energy window. If we don't use it, we lose it.  If we do, all bets are off.  Anything can happen.

- Jean Nolan @ “Inspired”

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


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