What is an Apology?

Granted, some people struggle with saying the phrase, “I’m sorry.” But there could be just as many, or more, people who say, “I’m sorry,” a bit too easily. Is it because they don’t mean it? Is it out of habit? Is it out of fear of conflict? How do we know what a real apology is?

I’ve heard people express upset about not receiving an apology. Are they just looking for the phrase “I’m sorry” because it’s just what there is to do; is it because they learned to say it as a young child? We’d have to ask each individual their reasoning behind their demands for and expectations of an apology.

I think it’s important to know what an apology actually is. Just saying the words out of obligation or even to look good is pretty hollow and empty.

What’s an authentic apology then?

An authentic apology is when the person figures out

  • why they did what they did,

  • why they don't want to do it anymore,

  • does the healing work required in order to stop doing it.

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


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