What is Confidence?
Confidence takes place in our inner core being. It’s an inner peace from deeply knowing that we are okay and will be okay regardless of what happens or who is around. It’s being our own best friend, ally, and proponent in striving to respect and represent ourselves, our lives, and those who we love.
Confidence goes much deeper than our appearance, how we carry ourselves, or impressing others. It is a way of being and a way of life. It’s active and on-going—based on our mindset, decisions, choices, and actions.
We are confident in knowing and being clear about what to stand on and for, what to expose ourselves to, what to eliminate. We are confident because we can trust ourselves, our intuition, and our choices. Knowing we won’t desert ourselves and what matters to us creates confidence.
What is confidence? How is confidence obtained? Confidence is…
Setting, having and living standards for yourself
This list can help you determine what your standards are.
who you are
your goals
your ideas
your feelings and emotions
what you think about
what you choose in each moment
why you do what you do and don’t do what you don’t do
what you need
what you want
what you don’t want
what matters to you
who and what is most important to you
your values
your ethics and morals
your principles
your beliefs
your gifts, skills and talents
your strengths
your emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and energetic limitations
your weaknesses and faults
your addictions
your mistakes
what you have to offer relationships
Being sincere, genuine, trustworthy
Being honest with yourself and others
Being accountable and responsible for yourself
Learn, grow, heal
Admit, correct and repair mistakes
Gracefully and gratefully take feedback and input
Ability to set boundaries
Heal core shame issues
Stop people-pleasing
People-pleasing is inauthentic, and makes you dishonest and untrustworthy.
Say “No'“ without the energy of guilt or projecting shame or resentment onto the other person
It’s okay to change your mind as long as you are honest about it as soon as you make the decision and gracefully accept the consequences.
Learn to articulate yourself with minimal words
Only do what you want to do
You have to desire to and be responsible, accountable, sincere, genuine, and trustworthy for this to accurately apply.
Don’t guilt-trip others (directly or passive-aggressively) for what you do. Do it out of your free-will and personal choice only.
Only do what fits into your ethics, morals, principles
Only do what fits into, and brings you closer to, your goals
Get away from toxic people
Get away from people and experiences which bring out the worst in you
Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.