Your Natural Magic

I originally wrote this article on November 15, 2012.

The following applies to most, if not all, of us:

1. You love doing something(s). You’d do it every waking hour if you could.
2. You have a unique personality that shines through no matter what you’re doing.
3. You have some quirky idiosyncrasies and traits; some of which, you’ve been told, just ‘won’t work’ if you want to make it in this world–or at least if you want to be loved.
4. You have natural skills in which you mostly couldn’t be trained.  They are a part of you, in your blood.

Instead of ignoring or trying to change any of these areas about yourself, start focusing on them.  Start celebrating them. They are the Magic of You, and are the foundation on which you can create your dream job, business, hobby, life.

You need to embrace your natural magic first and foremost, as you’ve denied these parts of yourself for so long–thinking you have to train and retrain and basically punish yourself into submission of being someone else.

Welcoming *you* will automatically open up your mind, heart, and eyes to ‘what’s next’.

It’s so much easier this way, isn’t it?



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