Communication Purposes

This article describes these three (3) types of communication purposes:

  1. Communication to portray an image through appearance & show

  2. Communication appropriately-used in a work setting or with customer service staff

  3. Communication in a close relationship

When getting to know someone, and also with existing interactions, take note of the type of communication which takes place. Is it for appearances, or is it for creating and investing in authentic, sincere closeness?

Communication can be used to portray an image through appearance & show:

  • to get attention & be noticed

  • to try to entice & impress

  • to flatter & flirt

  • to keep people near

  • to fit in & belong

  • to try to get people to want to come back again

  • to appear friendly, nice

  • to seem welcoming

  • to hear one’s voice

  • as an improvisational performance

  • to distract from silence

  • to distract from anxiety

  • to divert attention away from something else

  • to manipulate how one is seen by others

  • to lie & deceive

  • to collect data & intelligence (‘intel’) on other people for future use

Communication is appropriately-used in a work setting or with customer service staff in these ways:

  • to maintain a productive, professional environment

  • to foster focus & concentration on job tasks

  • to request & share task-related data

  • to trouble-shoot job functionality & task-related issues

Communication in a close relationship serves these purposes:

  • to invest in the relationship

  • to know each other well

  • for total exposure, transparency & honesty

  • for understanding of each other

  • to relate to each other

  • to help & support each other

  • to bond together, closeness

  • to learn & grow—both as individuals & together

  • to include each other

  • to trouble-shoot relationship & life issues

  • for collaboration of ideas, experiences, thoughts, activities, interests, etc.

  • to make decisions together

  • to share secrets

  • to share private jokes & fun

  • to being able to easily read each other

  • to share each other’s lives: thoughts, ideas, interests, feelings, etc.

  • to foster a safe, trusting, protective, special relationship

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


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Omission Excuse: Forgetfulness