Duped: Sensitive Person

Has anyone ever told you that they are a sensitive person? Have you even heard someone say, ‘I’m probably too sensitive to have a relationship’?

If you’re an empath and sensitive person like I am, those words are like butter. Hurray! Finally, a fellow sensitive person!

What do you think of when you hear that someone is sensitive? Maybe you think that the highly-sensitive person

  • is very sincere

  • is especially ethical

  • understands the importance of words & actions

  • tells the truth

  • doesn’t waste their time with shallow, superficial relationships

  • will absolutely take you seriously

  • is interested in deeply knowing you

  • will be sensitive about your emotions

  • wouldn’t disregard your perspective & input

  • is interested in being deeply known by you

  • etc.

Don’t jump to those conclusions so quickly when someone uses the word ‘sensitive’ to define themselves. Sure, let your ears perk up. But don’t be duped.

Ask them what exactly they mean by saying they are sensitive. You might get a vague answer. They might tell you what they think you want to hear. Or they might dodge the question all-together.

Listen and watch for

  • what is important to them

  • what they choose

  • how, with whom, about what, & how frequently they communicate & interact

  • where & in what they put their energy & efforts

  • how much of a priority they make you

  • how present, attuned & aware they are

  • if they trust their gut & intuition

  • if they are contemplative

  • if & how much they care about what others think of them (and who those ‘others’ are)

Perhaps what the person actually means by being ‘sensitive’ is that they are

  • emotionally-immature

  • entitled

    • thus, they get sensitive or ‘emotional’ when they don’t get their way

  • lazy

    • unwilling to process their emotions

    • thus, in denial

    • thus, unstable & lost

  • needy & desperate

    • for attention, praise, pity, coddling, to be pleasured, & to be taken care of

      • from & by you

      • from & by anyone

    • Make sure you look at what they are willing to do, or to not do, in attempt to satiate their desperate neediness.

      • Do they use ‘people pleasing’ or being ‘nice’ as a cover up?

  • moody

  • low in tolerance for struggle & emotional discomfort

  • aware enough of—able to sense—other people’s energy in order to

    • know who they can use to get needs met

      • attention, praise, pity, coddling, to be pleasured, & to be taken care of

    • know how they can use each person to get needs met

      • attention, praise, pity, coddling, to be pleasured, & to be taken care of

    • live vicariously through others

    • use the data for their imagination, grandiose daydreams & fantasies

  • able to skip over & avoid processing their thoughts & go directly to feeling sensations within themselves

    • by visual & audio stimuli

    • by touching objects & things, etc.

    • via imagination

Check out these other articles in this ‘Duped in a Relationship’ series:


Duped: We’re on the Same Page


Perfection Not Required with Transparency & Honesty