One Measurement of Friendship Traits

In this article, I pointed to the Five Levels of Relationship Engagement & Skill (developed by Dr. Les Carter). Branching off those five levels, there are two main character traits I notice about a person. These two character traits are always running in the background:

  1. Would I trust this person alone with my things?

    • If applicable, would I trust this person alone with my children?

  2. Would I trust this person to not gossip about me behind my back?

How many people about whom would you answer “yes” to both of these questions?

If I can’t answer “yes” to both of those questions, I know to keep my emotional distance from the person. Sure, I can still interact with such a person. I can even hang out, talk to him/her, have fun with him/her.

But when I encounter someone about whom I can’t say “yes” to both those questions, I always take extra care of shielding my heart and mind around him/her. I don’t set myself up for regrets and pain. And I don’t set up the other person for betrayal, disrespect, and failure to be loyal and true.

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


Thank you, Betrayal


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